The following is the formal policy statement of BGES Group which confirms the importance of its environmental awareness. The company recognises and accepts that concern for the environment is an integral and fundamental part of the company’s business strategy. For more information / enquiries regarding our Environmental Policy Statement, please Contact Us
The company will seek actively to remove or reduce any negative impact on the environment, by recognising its responsibilities through a positive and proactive approach, including safety at the workplace, consultation and training, and control of waste and pollution. BGES Group strive to utilise sustainable resources and influences to care and protect the environment, actively working towards a carbon neutral future and helping support our clients operate in a sustainable and environmentally sensitive manner.
Environmental threats or impacts will be identified and either eliminated or effectively controlled throughout all BGES Group operations and services.
This environmental policy has been reviewed, formalised, and endorsed by the company Directors who will take responsibility for its execution and require that it is a prime concern of managers and employees at all levels. The policy is reviewed on a regular basis, at least once in every twelve-month period, or in the event of changes to legislation, work practices or any other material change.
This statement will be brought to the attention of all employees, suppliers and contractors. Copies will be made freely available to the public, regulatory authorities, and customers on request.
Help and co-operation of all colleagues, contractors and visitors is essential to achieve BGES Group’s aim to provide a safe, healthy and sustainable work environment for all impacted by our activities.
The below commitments have been recognised and agreed to help us promote our responsibilities and actively play our part in protecting and enhancing the environment:
- Comply with relevant environmental legislation and communicate changes;
- Maintain our Environmental Management Systems in line with ISO 14001;
- Liaise with relevant external specialists where required, to improve our awareness, activities and expectations;
- Provide relevant training and awareness to promote environmental best practice and understanding;
- Include environmental matters on the Board agenda to continually monitor and improve our performance.
- Identify significant environmental impacts and manage these via our Environmental Action Programme, including waste, pollution and biodiversity;
- Procure materials and resources sensibility and sustainability wherever possible;
- Reuse and repurpose materials and products where reasonable to do so; and
- Coordinate our activities to minimise excess travel, movement of materials and traffic and other wasteful activities.